
Dayz standalone .61
Dayz standalone .61

  1. Dayz standalone .61 update#
  2. Dayz standalone .61 Patch#
  3. Dayz standalone .61 windows#

The Dragunov was designed as a squad support weapon since, according to Soviet and Soviet-derived military doctrines, the long-range engagement ability was lost to ordinary troops when submachine guns and assault rifles were adopted.

  • Das Inventar von Fahrzeugen und einiger andere Behälter (z.B.The Dragunov sniper rifle, officially Sniper Rifle, System of Dragunov, Model of the Year 1963 is a semi-automatic sniper/designated marksman rifle chambered in 7.62×54mmR and developed in the Soviet Union.
  • Neue Einstellungen Menüs, darunter einzelne Seite Videoeinstellungen.
  • Neue Server-Browser, darunter eine Spalte "Passwort" vorherige Symbole zu ersetzen.
  • Neuer Begrüßungsbildschirm und Hauptmenü.
  • Das neue User Interface ist nun Standard.
  • Verbesserung der Videoleistung (FPS) (work-in-progress).
  • Verbesserte Umwelteinflüsse wie Licht, Wasser, Nebel, Regen, usw.
  • Erste Iteration der neuen Rendering-Technologie (visuals only).
  • Rucksäcke, Kleidung und Fahrzeuge spawnen jetzt mit zufälligen Inhalt.
  • Fahrzeuge spawnen jetzt mit einem zufälligen Menge von Teilen (Türen, Batterie, etc.).
  • Waffen haben die Möglichkeit, mit Magazinen oder anderem Zubehör zum spawnen.
  • Magazine spawnen jetzt mit einer zufälligen Menge an Munition.
  • dayz standalone .61

    Infizierte sind nun in der Lage, über einige Hindernisse zu springen / klettern.Spieler sind nun in der Lage, Rucksäcke in ihren Händen zu tragen.Stolperdraht mit einer Granate wird jetzt sofort bei Aktivierung detonieren.An der FN FAL können jetzt auch Visiere angebracht werden.Nicht automatische oder halbautomatische Waffen müssen nach jeden Schuss "manuell" nachgeladen werden (z.B.

    dayz standalone .61

    Pressing the reload key ("R") now chambers a round or cycles the bolt depending on which weapon you're using magazines and clips must be used via the hotbar or inventory screen.Infizierte spawnen jetzt in einer Vielzahl von Outfits einschließlich Feuerwehrmann, Sanitäter usw.Reflex Sight (für FN FAL, M4A1, MP5-K, UMP45).V16 - Neue Inhalte: Neue begehbare Gebäude Player models: Adam, Boris, Cyril, Denis, Elias, Eva, Francis, Guo.Hanging dead infected models (additional).Weapon firing cracks & bullet fly sounds.Infected sounds are sometimes too quiet.Not responding properly to suppressed gun sounds.Able to push characters into objects/walls.

    Dayz standalone .61 update#

  • Character modifiers/status can become stuck or not update properly.
  • At longer distances player models may render without any clothing or equipment.
  • Player models sometimes have an all-black head (missing skin).
  • Player models may experience deformation when entering a structure under high ping.
  • Vault action and item hot bar are more responsive.
  • Players no longer see their own dead ragdoll body for a short time before "You Are Dead" screen appears.
  • Loot inside containers now takes damage unless it's in a protector case.
  • Light no longer goes through walls (new dynamic shadows).
  • Dayz standalone .61 windows#

  • Grenades can go through broken windows with out getting stuck in the air.
  • It is harder to aggro Infected at night.
  • Vehicles have been taken out until they are revamped.
  • Wool Dress now has item size of 1 slot and cargo size of 2 slots.
  • Waterproof Bag now has item size and cargo size of 12 slots.
  • SPOSN Tortilla Backpack now has cargo size of 32 slots.
  • Assault Backpack now has cargo size of 28 slots.
  • Kiwi is spawning again as loot on Dean Hall infected.
  • Compass (Modern) is spawning on its own again (not only obtained from a box of cereal).
  • Player spawn points in the southwest have been removed (Balota, Chernogorsk, Komarovo, Prigorodki).
  • dayz standalone .61

  • Debug console added for data collection (Experimental only).
  • Light source rendering distance increased.
  • Login queue implemented queue position screen added.
  • Revamped server browser with updated visuals and functionality.
  • dayz standalone .61

    Dynamic shadows implemented for renderer.First iteration of new sound technology (via Arma 3 Eden).Military Base (Zelenogorsk) (added fire station).Police Car now sometimes spawns with removable Sedan Wheel(s).Big Military Tent Backpack can now be carried in a player's hands.Voice chat icon now has transparent background (no black box).Player vision is now heavily blurred when the inventory screen is open.Perishable foods (fruits & vegetables) can now be dried in an empty cooking container such as a Cooking Pot."Hide Body" function disabled (awaiting re-implementation with Shovel).Weapon sounds (supported by new audio technology) Vehicle HUD (heads-up display) displaying current gear and speed Ladders on green watchtowers, water towers, hospitals, cranes, and metal watchtowers are updated.PSO-1 Scope now has red numbers on model.Adding more military spawns without increasing the player cap will make actually running into players infinitely rarer then it is now. I just showed the new tent changes for 0.61. Sneakers (black, gray, green, red, white) Yes all other tent and military locations on this map havent been altered.V70 - Neue Inhalte: Neue begehbare Gebäude Er beinhaltet einige Fehlerbehebungen und verbessert die Sicherheit, fügt aber keine neuen Inhalte hinzu.

    Dayz standalone .61 Patch#

    Experimentelle Version Stable Version v21 - ĭieser Patch ist eine Ergänzung zum früheren Hotfix der Version 70.

    Dayz standalone .61